USC Marshall School of Business
Tel: (213) 740-8885 or (800) 352-5719
Fax: (213) 740-7788
E-mail: busadm@marshall.usc.edu
Major Programs
Accounting (first-years only)
Business Administration
Business Administration (World) (first-years only)
Application Guidelines
First-year applicants who have demonstrated exceptional scholastic aptitude for the accounting or business major (based on GPA and SAT/ACT scores) will be automatically considered for admission to the Global Leadership Program.
First-year applicants to the World Bachelor in Business should provide a brief (one-paragraph) answer to each question in the Marshall School of Business section of the USC Writing Supplement and upload a video introduction, not to exceed four minutes in length.
There are no additional requirements for first-year applicants to Business Administration or Accounting.
Transfer applicants will be considered for admission once they have completed the prerequisite college writing and business calculus courses. (Students are also encouraged to take two semesters of accounting, and make progress toward USC’s GE and Diversity course requirements.) Visit marshall.usc.edu/undergrad for a list of equivalent courses.
Transfer applicants interested in Accounting must apply to Business Administration. A formal request to transfer to the Leventhal School of Accounting can be made once the resident accounting course(s) are successfully completed.